The International Breastfeeding Institute Online Training program provides everything you need to successfully become a certified breastfeeding counselor. The International Breastfeeding Institute is more than just a curriculum provider and certifying agency. It’s a community. Plain old textbooks simply can’t hold a candle to the multimedia adventures that await you with The International Breastfeeding Institute. With your tuition payment, you’ll receive all the online materials, tools, and access you need.
Not to mention, you get to learn not only from highly experienced doulas working directly in the field, you ALSO get to learn from experts in complimentary fields such as OBGYNs, Pediatrician, Neonatologist, Midwife, NICU Nurse and so much more. Our online breastfeeding counselor training truly allows you to gain the knowledge and understanding necessary to jump in working as a breastfeeding counselor at the highest level. When you complete our online breastfeeding counselor training you will also complete our business for the breastfeeding counselor component. This allows you the ability to work independently, for an agency, a doula coop, a hospital etc. So get ready to complete your online breastfeeding counselor training in just six weeks and be on your way to an amazing career doing what you love, supporting moms and babies.
These are some things that you’ll receive:
Bundled Online Certified Breastfeeding Counselor Training Package Including:
Online Breastfeeding Counselor Training Curriculum
- Daily/weekly Lesson Plans taught by our expert IBCLC
- Multimedia
- Assignments, tests, quizzes, and projects for each class.