As someone who gave birth sixteen years ago and entered birth work shortly after, triple feeding seems like a trend. Why? Well, it simply wasn’t frequently recommended as affordable double electric breast pumps weren’t readily available. As doulas in the home and certified breastfeeding counselors (CBC) after hospital discharge, we run into supporting exhausted parents […]
Stages of Breastfeeding
As a Certified Breastfeeding Counselor, you will learn the different stages of breastfeeding. As a CBC, your training includes a variety of information you will need to remember. However, some information you need a basic understanding of, and then the ability to look up specifics. Afterall, it can be difficult to remember every detail. In […]
Can Premature Babies Breastfeed?
As a Certified Breastfeeding Counselor, you will provide support to many families. Sometimes, this support might include families with premature babies. Can these premature babies breastfeed? The short answer is that many premature babies are in fact able to breastfeed. However, it is not as simple as baby born, baby goes to breast, and working […]
Breastfeeding on a Schedule
As a Certified Breastfeeding Counselor, you will frequently be asked about breastfeeding on schedule. It is important you be able to provide clients with evidenced-based information. Our comprehensive, evidenced-based training will ensure you understand how supply and breastfeeding on a schedule can influence each other. That said, we know there are times we want to […]
Become A Breastfeeding Counselor While Breastfeeding Your Own Baby
You have welcomed your child, or perhaps you’ve had several, in recent years. Maybe you had an excellent breastfeeding experience. Perhaps you experienced many challenges. Whatever your experience, you now have a passion for lactation. You might be wondering if you can become a breastfeeding counselor while breastfeeding your own baby. In short, lactating parents […]
Global Breastfeeding Rates From World Cancer Research Fund International
While breastfeeding can be a very personal experience, breastfeeding rates are indeed a public health concern. Research shows a correlation between breastfeeding and a lower risk of breast cancer, among other things. For this reason, global breastfeeding rates are important. For World Breastfeeding Week, Policy and Public Affairs Officer Jennifer O’Mara of World Cancer Research […]