As a Certified Breastfeeding Counselor (CBC), it’s essential to stay informed about practices that optimize milk expression. Double pumping—simultaneously expressing milk from both breasts—offers several benefits over single pumping. With more parents opting to express milk, you are likely to have parents ask you what pump they need. Helping them understand the benefits of a double electric pump can help them make an informed choice.
It’s important to note that not all breastfeeding parents will need a double electric pump. However, for those who are likely to need to express often, such as those returning to work, they are likely to find the benefits of a double electric pump worth it.
Research shows that double pumping increases milk output, helps maintain milk supply, and can extract milk with higher fat content, providing a richer feed for the baby. It also saves time, making it especially useful for busy moms. Educating clients about proper double pumping techniques can enhance their breastfeeding experience and efficiency.
The Science Behind Double Pumping Increasing Milk Output
It has been well known that double electric pumps help most people express more milk compared to other methods. Understanding the science behind it, can help us explain to clients who are wondering how it works.
One study looked at lactating parents of term infants, and had them pump for 15 minutes with a double pump one day and the next day single pumping 15 minutes sequentially (Prime et al. 2012).
Dr Prime states: “Double pumping is not only faster, but it is more effective in removing milk. It stimulates an additional milk ejection. This results in 18 per cent more milk volume being pumped over a 15-minute pumping duration. Therefore, more milk of higher fat content is removed, leading to better breast drainage and milk of a higher caloric value.”
Increased Output and Less Time – Benefits of Double Electric Pump
If you ask any pumping parent, they will tell you it is a love hate relationship with the pump. Parents are often happy and relieved they are able to provide breast milk for their babies even when they are not able to do so directly from the breast.
However, pumping is not always the most fun chore nor is it easy. Unlike feeding at the breast, pumping often requires a schedule to maintain supply. This is especially true of parents who return to work for long hours or who are exclusively pumping.
The ability to use a double electric pump not only saves time, it helps increase the output. And for parents of babies who are slower to gain weight, the potential increased higher fat content and higher caloric value could be important.
Is The Difference Between Double Electric Pumping Measurable?
First, it is important to note that human milk has significant benefits whether fed at the breast, single expression, double expression, hand expressed, frozen, fresh, etc. The exact nutrients can vary, but all forms are beneficial.
Milk fed directly from the breast is the physiological norm. When that is not possible, the next healthiest option is typically expressed milk, regardless of how it is expressed. Parents without access to a double electric pump should not stress or assume their expressed milk is subpar and not ideal.
However, for parents looking at different pump options, this information is important to help them make an informed choice about which style pump to get.
The study found that on the day the lactating parent used a double electric pump:
- An average of 18% more milk was expressed
- A higher percentage of available milk in the breast was expressed
- The milk that was expressed had a higher energy content
- The parents experienced an additional milk ejection reflex
So, yes, the differences were measurable. However, as mentioned above, this does not mean milk pumped with a single pump should not be used nor should it be seen as less ideal. This simply means that for those who have access to a double electric pump, there are benefits. Where parents have the option, a double electric pump is ideal.